I write about my stressed, workaholic, self-effacing, overcommitted, coffee-fueled life. In 2020, my story in Narratively was one of the top three most read stories in 2020 and editor’s pick. I received a 2012 National Society of Newspaper Columnists award for www.schmeightschmatchers.com, a 2011 Memoir award from Writers Artists Collaborative, and three awards from Humorpress.com’s “America’s Funniest Humor”™ Showcase. My essay “Senseless in Seattle” appears in How to Fit a Car Seat on a Camel and Other Misadventures Traveling With Kids, edited by Sarah Franklin in 2008.
Wait Long Enough and Almost Anything (Bananas, Pelotons) Shows Up on Facebook’s Buy Nothing Groups
Everyone needs both more and less stuff